Austin & Sophie are doing great & growing like weeds! Austin is talking so much & is constantly surprising us with his development. He is growing up so fast, hard to believe he's already 2 years old. He has an amazing memory. He can remember peoples names & even gives us directions out of our neighborhood!
Sophie isn't too far behind. Her walking is steady & her communication skills are developing. Having a big brother to watch & learn from is a huge advantage. Austin is always teaching her new things, like how to climb chairs & tables (YIKES!!!). She's a big girl with a big personality!
They get along so well & love each other so much. They have their moments, but 99% of the time they are good buds. It's sweet to witness their relationship develop. At a recent doctors appointment another kid in the waiting room was picking on Sophie. The kids dad came up to him & corrected him, but before I could get involved Austin stuck his arm in front of Sophie, pushing her behind him to protect her! SUch a good big brother!!!! I was so proud. I called Matthew right away! =) He was proud too, of course.
Since we've moved out here we've been able to get them memberships at the children's museum, zoo & aquarium to keep us entertained. We've been trying to go on 2 outings each week. It's been fun & we especially like how close everything is located to us.
I really am going to try to post more often. I know I've said that in every other post, but hopefully this time I can follow through!
Here are a couple pictures of the kids taken by our friend Lindsey!
You should check out her website. She's an awesome RGV photographer!
Austin's 2 year old photo shoot: (October 2010)

Sophie's 1 year photo shoot: (December 2010)