Monday, December 7, 2009

Hello Beautiful!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our beautiful baby girl, Sophie Elizabeth Allison. She was born on December 4, 2009 at 9:52am. She weighed in at 7lbs 14oz & was 20 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful.

At approximately 9:15ish on Thursday evening I began having contractions, but wasn't too certain whether they were "real" or not. I decided to take a shower and rest in bed to see if the pain would subside, but it never did. At that point (11p-ish) I decided to contact my doctors office to speak with the OB on call. Based on my response to some of his questions he end the call by saying he didn't think this was really "it." Some time around 12a I couldn't take the pain anymore. My contractions were approximately 3 to 5 minutes apart from one another & I was doing my best not to cry or breakdown. We called our neighbors and asked them to stay with Austin while we went to the hospital for an evaluation.

We arrived at the hospital at 1am, at this point we were still unsure as to whether or not Sophie would be joining within the next few hours. After checking my vitals they checked to see if I was progressing. The day before my doctor told me that I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced (I had be there for the past 3 weeks). When they checked me then, I was 5 cm dilated and almost fully effaced. I WAS IN LABOR!! Too cool!!! I was immediately admitted and continued on, but with an epidural. I was in labor for about 11 hours when the decision to have a c-section had been made. All along my doctors were concerned about her size/measurements, especially her abdominal area so the possibility of having a c-section had been discussed. Because of this, I was able to prepare myself mentally for a c-section. I ended up with a c-section because Sophie was measuring a bit large, after all she was born 2 weeks early. Had she gone full term she probably could've reached 9lbs or so.

Sophie and I are doing great. Praise the Lord!!! Sophie is incredibly healthy lungs were fully developed, developmentally- she was right on target for 38 weeks, hearing results were perfect, apgar scores were terrific and despite my issues with gestational diabetes, her blood sugar was perfect. As always, Matthew was such a great help. He has taken great care of us throughout the pregnancy, during delivery and now after. I am recovering well. I have the expected aches and pains, but thanks to my pain meds, i am doing great!

Thank you friends and family for all of your love, support, encouragement and PRAYERS!

Below is a video of Austin and Sophie meeting for the first time. Due to H1N1 our hospital did not allow visitors between the ages of 1 and 12, which meant Austin had to wait until Sophie got home to meet her. We had expected Austin to demonstrate a little jealousy, which he did, just not in the way we expected! He was jealous because he wasn't getting to hold Sophie, not because we weren't holding him.

Sophie's Room: (minus- window valance and 3 slot picture frame over her changing table.)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The month of September has been a busy one for us. The first week of September Austin had a terrible stomach virus.
As soon as we walked into the doctors office Austin vomited all over Matthew.

He had a high fever and diahrrea, but hadn't vomited all day. Unfortunately, the first time he did vomit daddy was holding him. We didn't have an extra change of clothes... all we could find was this hoodie in the backseat of my truck. So he wandered around the office in his diaper and hoodie. So sad. Thankfully he was able to fight off by the end of the week.

We spent that weekend (Labor Day) in Weatherford with Matthew's family and had a blast. It is always fun to watch Austin and his cousin, Megan, play with one another. We definitely wish we lived closer to them.

The following week Austin got his first haircut. He did a great job- didn't shed a tear.


Last week was a rough week for all of us. On Monday, Matthew woke up around 2am vomiting & had diahrrea. Later that morning Austin also woke up vomiting. We took Matthew to the doctor at 9am and his doctor gave him a shot that knocked him out for nearly 5 hours along with some other meds. Austin continued to throw up until his doctor finally gave in and asked us to take him in for a check up. They tested for strep and the flu... both test were negative so they figured the vomiting and fever were just due to the stomach virus he had dealt with nearly two weeks before. Matthew returned to work on Wednesday morning, but Austin was still vomiting and by then he also had diahrrea. We decided to take him back to his old pediatricans office for a second opinion. The doctor who saw him was incredibly concerned so she requested a stool specimen. THANK GOD! Early Thurday morning I woke up vomiting and had intense body-aches. My doc recommended I make a visit to the ER in order to rule out the flu & to make sure that Sophie was doing well in my belly. I got some nausea meds & IV fluids. Totally helped! They figured it was also a stomach virus. Friday morning Austin's doc called and informed us that the stool sample came back positive for ROTATVIRUS. UGGGHH! Apparently we all had it. We ended up taking Austin to the ER on Saturday because he was still vomiting and had severe diahrrea. His Doc was worried he was dehydrated so off we went to the ER. They gave him IV fluids and nausea medicine too. As Matthew put it, "4 doctors visits, 2 ER visits, 5 medications, and lots of soup for the whole family: hundreds/thousands of dollars. Everyone still alive and finally doing better: priceless. Don't mess with the Rotavirus!" We all survived this darn virus. Matthew only worked 2 days that week- he stayed home for two days while he recovered and had to take care of Austin and I on Friday since I was sick. My mom flew in Friday evening and stayed thru Monday. It was nice to have her help. She took care of Austin while Matthew and I rested and took care of things around the house.

He had no energy/strength. Poor baby.

Today we are all doing much better. Praise the Lord for a healthy family.

We were able to see Sophie on Tuesday during our scheduled 3D/4D ultrasound (will post pictures soon). She is so cute!! It was neat to notice the minor differences between Austin's 3D/4D ultrasound & hers. Their lips and noses look different... I wish December was closer. 85 more days! My belly is measuring on target, I've gained 16 lbs, passed my Gestational Diabetes test & have been exercising regularly. Wish I had only gained this much when I was pregnant with Austin. I had probably gained about 30 lbs by point in my pregnancy him. =)

We are so glad everything is looking well for Sophie and I.

I will leave you with a few recent pictures of Austin! Enjoy!!!
Austin & Daddy at Ethan's party!

Austin sitting on the bench like a big boy!! (at the end on the right side... the little guy)

Austin with the birthday boy, ETHAN!

Austin hanging out with the big boys from our neighborhood.

Out for a walk with mommy & daddy.

Sporting his new camo hoodie!

Wlking to the mailbox.

Hanging out with dad.


caught you!


Austin & his buddy Timothy!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


This past week has been emotionally challenging for me as I found out a week ago from today that one of my former clients died in a car accident. This sweet little girl died on August 30th at the age of 3, 5 days short of her 4th birthday. She was such a jewel, a treasure to be around.

I began working with her family early 2008 and continued to do so until the day I resigned from my previous job to stay home with Austin. This family, consisting of a single mom and 3 children (1 boy & 2 girls), is incredibly dear and near to my heart. I worked with the mom and each child individually to help find solutions for various social needs. This is a family that understood the concept of self-determination, personal responsibility and hard work. Not once did they ever try to abuse the system, nor ask for more than what was needed. As a social worker, I live by the idea that I will only put forth as much effort and heart into each working relationship as the client puts into it. If they choose to work towards their goals whole-heartedly I will give them my time and effort whole-heartedly. This is exactly what I did with this amazing family.

This single mom works odd jobs in order to provide decent meals for her family and pay the bills. She cleans homes around the city and vacant apartments, as well as the laundry facilities throughout her apartment complex. Encouraging and teaching her to care for herself was a hard task for me. She was always on the move, mainly so that she could be home by the time her kids were out of school.

On Sunday, August 30th I received a message from her son informing me about the accident. I hadn't heard from them since I stopped working for the agency, so receiving this message was incredibly shocking. He told me about the accident and gave me their number so that I could call them. I waited a day before contacting the family. Longest day ever... I finally contacted the family on Tuesday after discussing this with my previous supervisor and getting the "go ahead."

HEARTBROKEN! I was speechless and still feel at loss for words to help describe this situation. It is hard to believe that such a young life has ended so quickly, so tragically. A quick reminder of how fragile life is.

I attended the viewing which was held in the family's home. Walking down the parking lot, up to their apartment felt eternal. I could see the casket way down the sidewalk and couldn't keep myself together. As a mother of one, soon to be two, the possibility of losing my children causes my legs to weaken and my heart to feel heavy. HOW COULD THIS BE!?!? I walked past the casket directly to mom's room and hugged her tightly. Again, I was speechless. What do you tell a mom who has so tragically lost her youngest daughter??? All I could do was hug her and listen to her sob and whisper softly into my ear, "How will I ever get through this, I love her and I need her." Listening is often the best medicine, the best response.

This precious baby girl could light up the room with her vibrant smile and grace. It didn't take much for a her to catch the attention of another. I have never experienced the death of a client, much less that of a child. Having worked so closely with this family & for so long, felt as if I was losing a family member. As a social worker, you get to experience life with your clients- the good, the bad and the ugly. You rejoice with them and you cry with them. Never did I imagine crying with a family for this particular reason. I am incredibly thankful for having the opportunity to work with this family, especially this sweet little girl.

Major PRAISE!!! God is good all the time! The family had to raise over $7000 to pay for the funeral costs; the money was raised in 4 days with the help of family, friends, classmates, and strangers. Praise God for his provision!!! The funeral was very special. The church was filled with family, friends and teachers.

RIP sweet girl.

Do keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as they work through the loss of a daughter, sister & friend.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

So much too say!

I've been meaning to update this thing for the past month now, but everytime I would sit down to blog I'd get distracted by something else like facebook. =)

On July 21st, we found out that we are having GIRL! Her name will be Sophie Elizabeth Allison. Her due date is still set for December 19th! Our doctor said everything looks great and that she is right on track. We are scheduled to see Sophie again on September 22nd during her 3D/4D ultrasound- CAN'T WAIT!

Here's an ultrasound picture taken on July 21st.

Her daddy wouldn't let me post a picture of her revealing her gender to us. ME: "But we posted Austin's pictures?!?" Matthew: "Yes, but she's a girl. NO!"

Austin's Updates!
Our little Love Bug, aka: Buggie is incredible! He is full of energy and has the cutest personality. He definitely knows how to make us smile and laugh, especially when he is being disciplined. He began eating table foods at 9 months and loves it. He prefers feeding himself over being spoon fed. He'll eat anything with chicken. His favorite foods are: chick-fil-a chicken nuggets, cubed mango, green bean pieces, cheese crumbles, ritz crackers and chocolate chip cookies. Ok, maybe not the chocolate chip cookies, but I am sure if he could eat them he'd love them.

Austin is walking!! On July 14th he began taking up to 9 steps on his own, but insisted on holding onto our fingers as he walked around the house. As of August 17th, he began walking around our house from room to room on his own. He also likes walking beside us rather than riding in his stroller when we are out shopping or visiting with friends. Our little guy is growing up so fast.

Matthew and I are doing great! We recently painted our living room a light green color, added red curtians, red pillows and other wall decor in order to perk up our living space. Earlier this month, my parents spent a week visiting us and we got so much work done around out house. My dad cut our grass & steam cleaned our carpet, my mom and Matthew painted Sophie's room, we transformed our home office into a guest room, and we sorted through Austin's clothes while my dad and Matthew cleaned out the garage. Needless to say, it was a very productive week.

Matthew is looking very muscular and fit these days as he has completed the P90x workout program (a 90 day fitness and strength training program). I am putting on the weight that he is shedding! =) My pre-natal exercise classes will resume the second week of September and I can't wait to start working out with other pregnant mommas! I've also been volunteering once a week at pregnancy crisis center in our area and I am loving it! I recently completed all of my training criteria and have begun working with clients one-on-one. It sure is nice to continue practicing as a social worker. I feel so blessed to serve and counsel the women who come into our center.

Ok! OK! now for a cute video and fun pictures of Austin.

Austin likes climbing into our plasticware cabinet

Hanging out with Daddy's buddy, David

Relaxing while we take a walk around our neighborhood

He likes crawling underneath his exercauser

Climbing the ladder with Daddy

Helping daddy unscrew the light switch covers before painting our living room.

Staying cool in the summer sun

Playing in the water sprinkler with Grandma

Riding on Grandpa's shoulders!

Friday, July 17, 2009

love bug!

Austin is such a joy! I love spending each and every day with him! Whether we are in the car, sitting on the couch watching Sid the Science Kid, on the front porch in his swing, grocery shopping, doing anything, anywhere is just a blast with this little guy! Austin especially enjoys being chased around the house by his daddy. He'll crawl away from daddy as fast as he can, quickly turn back to see if he following behind and take off again with a giggle. His giggle is contagious. We can't help but laugh with him. Matthew and I absolutely adore him. He is just too cute for words!!!

We traveled to Birmingham last week and he did wonderfully both on the way out and back. 11 hours is a long ride for a little guy, but he was a good riding buddy. He had a great time visiting with his Granny, Grandaddy, Gran-Gran, Aunts, Uncles and his many cousins. We had a terrific time!

Austin will be 9 months on Monday, July 21st! He now has 4 teeth on top and two on the bottom. Since he began crawling he has developed a sense of bravery that encourages him to get up and go. The same week he started crawling, he was also pulling up on everything. He loves cruising along anything he can put his little hands on. Lately, he's been so brave as to let go and take a few steps on his own. He began with 5 steps on his own two days ago, today he took 10 steps on his own!!! He will be walking/running around before we know it.

Here a few of his most recent pictures!
With Grandma & Grandpa Cerda

With Grandma Belia

At the Houston Aquarium

With Grandpa & Daddy

4th of July

Playing with Daddy

With his buddy Micah at our block party

with his grandaddy Mike

With his grandparents and cousin Julia

Playing under the sink

First bath in a sink

pool time

Baby Blue

Rough, Tough, Mean Face

Cute, silly Face