Austin is doing fantastic!
Austin is a ball of fire. He is incredibly active and always wanting to get into everything. If he could crawl or walk our house would be a wreck. Fortunate for us though, he can't get very far right now. Soon enough!!! Keeping up with him will definitely be a task. He loves for us to walk him around the house. If we try sitting him down to relax our backs, he is quick to throw a tantrum. It's actually quite funny, as soon as we put our hands out for him to hold & get back to walking it's as if nothing ever happened. Little boy does not like to sit still. As exhausting as it can be, we appreciate his energy.
Austin officially has 2 teeth. We first noticed his right tooth May 5th and 2 days later his left tooth was visible. He now has his 2 bottom teeth. Austin turned 7 months on May 21st and is growing fast. He visited his doctor last week and weighed in at 16lbs 5oz. He sure is putting on some weight- still a bit on the smaller side, but healthy.
Early Morning Smile! (you can see his bottom teeth!)

As for the baby in my belly, He/She is doing great. We had another ultrasound a few weeks ago and everything was looking good! We have our monthly visit on Friday and we are looking forward to hearing the heartbeat. I am surprised to see how quickly my stomach has grown this time around. I am trying to watch my weight. I am hoping to avoid gaining 48lbs again. NOT GOOD! I signed up for prenatal exercise classes at our local YMCA again. Totally looking forward to getting some healthy exercise 3 days a week (swimming, aerobics, light weights, yoga/pilates & more swimming!) I am very thankful that my morning sickness has been quite minimal in comparison to my pregnancy with Austin. I generally feel nauseous and exhausted around 6:30p & on. I am very thankful that I am not throwing up mulitiple times a day like a did with Austin. Many say each pregnancy is different- I have found this to be true! Our "itty bitty" is doing well. We can't wait to find out the gender. I am currently 10 weeks and 4 day along!
Matthew is doing very well! He is working hard and staying in shape. He recently started a new work out plan- P90x. It has been quite entertaining to see him jump around during plyometrics, get into strange positions during yoga & see his muscles bulge during legs, arms, shoulder and back workouts. What a stud! I am absolutely blessed to have such a wonderful husband! He is such a great father. Austin just adores his daddy! Everytime Matthew gets home from work Austin goes crazy when he lays eyes on him. He gets so giddy & is full of energy! Matthew has taught Austin how to throw the ball and he can do it for long periods of time. We thank the Lord daily for the blessings, grace, peace, strength and comfort He has given our family. What a beautiful thing it is to have such a loving God that forgives us and loves us despite our weaknesses. Thank you Jesus!
Here are some more pictures of our little man! (oldest to most recent)

Bath Time!

Matching Clothes! (Matthew's idea!)

Horsey Ride on Grandpa's Back

My parents!

Backyard fun!

Austin loves swimming!