So much has happened since my last post. Austin is growing like a weed!
-is incredibly alert
-started teething towards the end of December
-loves standing up- gets frustrated when we try to sit him down
-rolls over on his own
-loves lifting his legs up to his chest- nearly touching his face
-loves to smile- is flirt with the ladies
-holds on to his burp clothes like a his favorite blanket
-enjoys going out for walks in his umbrella stroller(he can see everything)
-is easily distracted by people, objects & TV
-is a people watcher
-is constantly being complimented on his stunning good looks
-is going bald
-loves taking pictures
-is PERFECT!!!
I absolutely adore my little boy!
Another major change for the Allison family has been our recent decision to have me stay home!!! I am not longer working. I am officially a stay-at-home-momma! I resigned from my job with Presbyterian Children's Homes & Services and my last day was Jan. 22nd. It was a difficult decision as I love what I do, but both mine & Matthew's hearts were not at peace with the idea of sending Austin to daycare. After much prayer and budgeting, we decided that this was the best thing for us to do as a family. Come on, who were we trying to kid... of course it would be difficult to part from such an adorable little boy! Hard to resist. Since then I have developed great interest in cooking! I love preparing my menu for the week and shopping for the needed ingredients.
I will do my best to sneak in cute pictures taken throughout the day!
Here are a some of our most recent pictures of Austin!
Austin loves his daddy!

Austin relaxing in his bumbo chair!

Austin with his buddy- Abuelito Pancho! (Thanks Tia Mari)

Happy 3 Month Birthday AUSTIN!!

Birthday Smile!!!

Such a cutie!!!

"This is my cookie grandpa Tony!"

So fresh & So clean!

Sneaky smile!

With Grandma Belia & Grandpa Tony!!!

I love this Annette - so precious! I love the pict of him and your parents!
May the Lord continue to bless your sweet family to His Glory!
Aw! He's grown alot since I saw him in December. Definitley have to come for a visit soon.
Yo!I totally tried to leave a comment. I don't think it worked though. I started a blog... kinda! Austin is sooo effin cute! I am gonna move back to TEXAS! Yes, that is right! I am Texas raised! I gotta come back! I hope to see you soon! I will try to update this blog... TRY, that is the key word! Besos!
- Amy!
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