Today we had our 4D ultrasound appointment and it sure was fun! Austin would not cooperate with us for the first 15 minutes or so- he kept covering his face with his little arm. The tech kept poking at him with hopes of getting him to move arm out of the way, but he just wouldn't budge. It was actually quite entertaining to watch him tease us. He'd move his hand and as soon as the technician would click to save the shot he would swing his hand back up to his face. What a tease... pretty stubborn too. I wonder who he gets it from? yup, probably me!
It was such a special experience. Thank you inventor of the 4D ultrasound!!! I wish I owned one of these ultrasound machines so I could see him everyday. So anxious!!! Only 11 more weeks!!! Seeing his sweet little features and trying to figure out who he may look like was a blast. He is absolutely precious!!! He stuck his tongue out at us a few times and we got to see him yawn. Austin also made sure to show off his arm muscles letting us know that he will be a strong one just like his daddy! A few times the tech caught him scrunching his face and wrinkling his eyebrows... appearing somewhat stressed and annoyed by her poking at him. Too cute! Anyway... we hope you enjoy Austin's 4D pictures! We sure love them!!!
Jude - 4 months
5 years ago
How amazing that technology can do that! He looks adorable, Annette :). So happy for you and Matthew!
How Awesome!! Megan did the same thing with her arm -in fact we couldn't get pictures because of it. Those pictures of Austin look great, I can't wait to meet him!
AW! Gotta love technology. I think he looks like Matthew, but has your cheeks. He's almost here! YEA!
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