So I must admit... I'm the worst blogger ever! I apologize for not posting any sooner...
Things are coming along well and Austin is growing, growing, growing. We have about 14 more days to go- give or take. We have our final ultrasound this Tuesday, Oct. 14th! At this point they will determine whether or not they'd like to induce. About 3 weeks ago we had another ultrasound and we were told that we've got a big kid coming along. His estimated weight was between 7lbs. and 7lbs. 4oz. YUP... He's a biggin! Because of this the doctor has mentioned possibly inducing labor so that he won't come out weighing over 9lbs. =) Unfortunately we were told that I am still not dilated at our last appointment, but the doctor kept reminding me that there is no need to worry... it will happen! OF COURSE! Matthew and I have been walking about 2 miles every other day with hopes that it will help speed up the process! Needless to say, these past few weeks have brought on quite a bit of anxiety! We just can't wait for him to make his appearance!
Things at work are coming together, but have also been quite hectic. Being away for 3 months requires a lot of preparation, especially with the end of the year coming quickly! Among my list of things to do, few of the major tasks I must complete before Austin arrives includes: putting together my board report (June-Oct.), Monthly report (Oct.), preparing packets with all the community resources available for my clients to tap into if the need arises, arranging and preparing Thanksgiving meals for 9 of the families I work with and lastly organizing Christmas gifts and meals that I will be providing my families with mid-Dec. Am I stressing??? just a little bit! HAHA. Although I began this preparation back at the beginning of September things just don't seem to be getting done as quickly as I'd like... Social work requires a lot of flexibility and sometimes too much! I just have to keep reminding myself that it will get done... I KNOW IT WILL!!! God is good and He always provides the time!
Anyhow... Enough about work!!!
I wanted to pass along a link of the maternity pictures that were taken at at 37 weeks (about a week ago)!
We love our photographer!
Maternity Pictures!!!
I will post more info later this week when we find out more about our actual due date!!! Austin David Allison will be here before we know it!!!
God bless!
Jude - 4 months
5 years ago
Love your blog...I know your parents are so excited.
Lana and crew
I am so excited for you guys!! I know that is a lot to get done before Austin arrives...but God's grace is sufficient and He will provide :) Is Cassondra going to see your clients?
I love your maternity pics. You need to give me their info. Maybe we can take our Christmas Family pictures with them.
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