Our sweet Austin has arrived!
Austin was born on October 21, 2008 at 11:40am. He weighed 8lbs. 4.5oz. & was 19 3/4in. long. He is absolutely precious!
I was in labor for 26 hours, but the actual delivery only lasted an hour. Because I was in labor for so long, I developed a high fever and was immediately placed on antibiotics following my delivery and Austin was placed in the NICU to be monitored closely due to my fever. Sweet little guy was on antibiotics and had all sorts of monitors attached to him. He was a trooper. As for the delivery, my doctor was incredible and made the experience much more enjoyable, if you can imagine that! Not saying it didn't hurt, it sure did, but she certainly lightened the mood. We had music playing in the background- 80's music, & we were able to laugh and joke quite a bit. That hour seriously flew by... it was nothing compared to the previous 25 hours. I was anxious and worn out by the time my doctor asked me if I was ready to PUSH! But every excruciating contraction and ache was quickly forgotten the moment Austin arrived. The feelings felt the moment I saw him are indescribable. Matthew did such a great job at encouraging me and coaching me through the processes as well. He was the lucky one who got to cut Austin's umbilical cord!
I am going to take a minute to brag about my husband. He has played such a key role in every aspect of this pregnancy... you're probably thinking "well of course!" He has been absolutely supportive, tender, caring, understanding, focused, every positive quality I could imagine wanting during my pregnancy he gave it! He's been terrific! My sweet husband kicked it into high gear the last few days before our due date. He cleaned up the entire house. He washed clothes, dishes, organized paperwork, set up last minute items for Austin, you name it he did it! I love my husband. He is my best friend. In addition to the pre-baby preparations, Matthew has done such a great job at taking care of his baby boy! It is so sweet to see him swaddle him, change his diaper, whisper things into his ear, feed him, EVERYTHING... he is not afraid to do it. I must admit... I didn't change Austin's diapers for the first few days. I was being lazy... Matthew would do it before I could even realize Austin needed to be changed. Let me tell you, Matthew is GREAT. I thank God for granting me the privilege of spending the rest of my life by his side. Austin is blessed to have a daddy like him!
Alright... well I hope you enjoy the cute pictures I posted of our little guy!