Big news!
Well... as I mentioned in the previous blog, we had a scheduled visit to see our doctor today and received some exciting news! Our doctor has decided to induce labor on Monday, October 20, 2008!!! Matthew was actually hoping for tomorrow, but the doctor said NO!!!
The ultrasound showed Austin weighing approximately 8lbs 3oz, so he gained about 1lb. I must admit, I am a little nervous and incredibly anxious... I am sure Monday won't get here soon enough.
As we prepare for this big day we do have few prayer requests...
Even though we are scheduled for Monday, Oct. 20th, we are on standby, meaning that we will be admitted as soon as a room is available. Our doctor feels quite certain that they will get us in, but we are still hoping and praying that they can get us in early morning or afternoon. Both my parents and Matthew's parents will be traveling to Houston on Sunday in order to be here for the big day. So, Prayer request #1) that a room will be available for us early Monday morning. Another prayer is that my cervix will begin to dilate. I have yet to experience one contraction. Without contractions there will be no dilation. We were told that I am still not dilated which is somewhat frustrating since the doctor is planning on inducing soon. There are medications that she plans on using in order to soften my cervix prior to administering the pitocin which will increase contractions, but ideally I’d be somewhat dilated when I enter the hospital to make things a little easier. She encourage us to walk regularly, which is something we have been doing and of course some other suggestions that will remain unmentioned... might be inappropriate! =) Prayer request #2) is that my cervix will dilate at least 1cm to 2cm by Monday! And our last Prayer request #3) is that my labor and delivery process will be a smooth and quick experience. Inductions can take longer than usually and on top of that, many first time moms are in labor longer than those on their second or third child.
I am feeling a little nervous and of course anxious, so I am praying that I will enjoy these last few days and soak up the excitement! Praise the Lord for His blessings!
Matthew is so excited! I've really enjoyed listening to him share stories of how he daydreams of all the fun things he and Austin will do together. He's going to be such a wonderful father. It's also been sweet to watch him assemble all of the baby furniture and equipment as soon as it is purchased and/or arrives.
Anyway... I think this is all for my Oct. 14th update! My last day of work is on Friday so I am hoping and praying that I will get everything wrapped up and taken care of by the end of the work day.
COUNTDOWN: 6 more days!!!
Jude - 4 months
5 years ago
Hey Annette,
Loved those maternity and 4D pictures...both you and baby look soooo cute!!
I am very excited for you and will definitely keep you in my prayers.
Some advice from a student nurse, please do that "thing" you did not mention in your really helps! Also, you were right about first time labor being longer than the subsequent ones...just remember all your breathing and stay calm (easier said than done!). It's a very special process...enjoy every minute of it!!
Oh Annette!
We are so excited for you, Matthew and Austin!! We're praying!
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