Austin is 3 weeks today! He had his 3 week check up and it was exciting to see how much he has grown. Austin is up to 9lbs 7oz and is 21 3/4in long! (started off at 8lbs 4.5oz, 19 3/4in long). He is indeed a biggin! We were expecting to see some weight gain as he constantly seems to be eating. His doctor said he is ranging within the 55th percentile. He's on target, not to small, not to big! Physically everything looks fantastic. Our next visit won't be until he is 2 months, so more or less around Dec. 19th! I can only imagine how big he will be then! Until then, his doctor has encouraged us to read to him every opportunity we get, even if it's the newspaper. He also said that now would be the perfect time to speak to him in Spanish. He encouraged me to only speak in Spanish and have Matthew speak to him only in English. Let's see how well that works out!
This weeks highlights:
Thinks he can crawl:
Well for quite sometime now Austin has managed to work his way up Matthew's torso by crawling his way up. We actually find it to be quite entertaining, as well as amazing. He has some strong legs. The doctor reminded us today of how impressed he is with Austin's strength as he can hold his head up very well, his grip is quite tight & his legs are very strong. Makes me proud! But anyhow, as I was saying... Austin enjoys crawling his way up Matthew's chest until his head hits the the sofa cushion and he can't go any further.
Bath Time:
We have chosen to bathe Austin every other day now that his circumcision has healed and his umbilical cord stump has fallen off. Our first bath time experience was a nightmare for Austin. He screamed and cried at the top of his lungs as if we were torturing him. Well, that was the last time we've had such an experience during bath time with him. He seems to enjoy it these days. He just lays there looking around as we clean him off. Instead of starting with his head, we changed our method to starting with his feet and working our way up. Either this works better or he just enjoys bath time now. It will be interesting and probably a lot more fun for him once he begins splashing around! I'm sure this will come before we know it!
His 1st Photo Shoot:
Austin took his newborn pictures on Sunday and we are so excited to get the proofs in. Our photographer took some really fun pictures of him including some naked pictures which were quite a trip. I was told to hold Austin without his diaper on for our family picture... knowing that he could possibly pee or poop on me, I figured what the heck- we're at home, if there's an accident I can just change. He had done so well in earlier naked pictures that I kinda figured we wouldn't have a problem this time around. Well, much to my surprise as we were changing positions I felt a warm sensation trickle down my arm and sure enough Austin had done a number on me. There was a huge wet spot on our bed and I had yellow streaks on my shirt. We continued taking pictures and I just hid the streaks! Anyhow... after our photo shoot was done we decided to grab some lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Los Cucos! However, it wasn't until we were out of our neighborhood that I realized I had never changed clothes. Too late! We decided to keep going. The good thing was that it was mustard yellow and we just figured people would assume that I was a messy eater and just smeared mustard on my shirt and pants! Whatever the case, I just hope nobody noticed. Needless to say, Austin left his mark on many things that day- photographers pretty white blanket, our bed spread, our sofa's, my shirt and jeans and our carpet. Oh well!!! Anyhow, we can't wait to show off his pictures. As soon as we get the link I'll post them!
Here are a few more pictures of Austin!
Austin as Dwight (The Office)
Bath Time!
1 comment:
I think it's great that Austin can have the opportunity to be bi-lingual also!! We wish Megan could be. She'll have to wait until she learns to read, then I can teach her to read other languages :)
Glad to hear Austin is doing great!!
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