Today is Austin's 1 month birthday! Happy birthday baby boy!
As I've mentioned in other posts, time has flown by... I can't believe he is a month old. Life with Austin has been quite eventful since the last blog.
Last Sunday, my mother ran her second marathon in San Antonio and she did a great job- she improved her time and ran the 26.2 miles in 4 hours and 52 minutes. She zoomed through the half marathon in 2 hours and 12 minutes. Unfortunately we weren't able to cheer her on this year because it was way to soon to take Austin out, but we spent quite a bit of time calling my dad for updates as he drove from one place to another trying to catch her and cheer her on! Proud of you Mom! I am planning on running with her next year, but I'll have to wave goodbye as she leaves me behind at the half marathon turning point. I don't know how she does it, but there is no way I could make all 26.2 miles. Anyway, they drove to Houston after the marathon rather than driving home. We thought it was funny that they found it to be easier and quicker to drive to Houston rather than to the valley. Houston is 6 hrs. from their home & San Antonio is 4 hours. Major detour! Oh the crazy things grandparents do!
Back to work... before I went on maternity leave I had decided to return to work for a few days before Thanksgiving in order to make preparations and arrange Thanksgiving meals for my clients. Well the week has come and gone. I returned to work on Tuesday. Boy was I looking forward to Friday that early on in the week. My dad came returned to Houston Tuesday evening to help me take care of Austin while I was at work. Thankfully, I was able to have Austin with me in my office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We decided to leave him home with grandpa Cerda today because it was so cold here in Houston. It was great to catch up with my clients, but one things for sure... I am going to dread going back to work in January. My estimated reurn date has been scheduled for January 15th. January... please take your time to make your way around! =)
We took Austin to the doctor on Nov. 11th for a check up and we noticed he had two very small pimples. At that point the doctor mentioned how common it is for newborn to develop baby acne at around 3 weeks of age. I wasn't to concerned seeing as how there were only two pimples. Well, much to my surprise, by Thursday, the 13th he had broken out. I immediately started to search the web trying to read up on baby acne, how to treat it, causes and so on. Unfortunately I found very little as far as treatment, but did learn that it can last several months. As each day went by, I felt that it got worse and couldn't help myself... I took him to the doctor on Wednesday morning. Fun news was that Austin has gained weight! He was weighing a whopping 10 lbs. 3.5 oz.! Our little butterball likes to eat!!! The doctor just reminded me that, that is what we want... we need to make sure he continues gaining weight! He's a growing boy! The sad news was that he definitely has baby acne. Poor guy looks like a teenager at a month old. Austin's doctor informed us that the main cause for baby acne are the mothers hormones that were passed into his system during pregnancy. They develop acne in the process of their bodies working towards excreting them from their systems. Interesting, I think! There is really no treatment for baby acne. His doctor says that we just have to be patient and wait it out. We were instructed to wash his face 2 to 3 times a day with warm water and/or mild soap. So that is what I've been doing. Anyway, we were told that it could last anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months. I sure hope the duration of his acne stays closer to the 2 week range- at least that's what I am praying for. Good thing we got his newborn pictures our of the way the week before (link with pictures to be posted soon!).
Last Friday we bought Austin a new piece of furniture. We gave in and decided to buy him a baby swing. We just figured he's either in our arms, his bassinet, on the floor for tummy time or reclined on his boppy. We figured why not buy him a swing and we were glad we decided too. The swing is amazing. It has the ability to soothe him almost instantly. He enjoys staring at himself in the mirror attached to his mobile and also seems to enjoy the bee's on his mobile go round and round. We love his swing as much as he does!
Well that's about it for now... Check out Matthew's blog for a cute video of Austin.
This weeks pictures!
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