We traveled to Birmingham last week and he did wonderfully both on the way out and back. 11 hours is a long ride for a little guy, but he was a good riding buddy. He had a great time visiting with his Granny, Grandaddy, Gran-Gran, Aunts, Uncles and his many cousins. We had a terrific time!
Austin will be 9 months on Monday, July 21st! He now has 4 teeth on top and two on the bottom. Since he began crawling he has developed a sense of bravery that encourages him to get up and go. The same week he started crawling, he was also pulling up on everything. He loves cruising along anything he can put his little hands on. Lately, he's been so brave as to let go and take a few steps on his own. He began with 5 steps on his own two days ago, today he took 10 steps on his own!!! He will be walking/running around before we know it.
Here a few of his most recent pictures!
With Grandma & Grandpa Cerda

With Grandma Belia

At the Houston Aquarium

With Grandpa & Daddy

4th of July

Playing with Daddy

With his buddy Micah at our block party

with his grandaddy Mike

With his grandparents and cousin Julia

Playing under the sink

First bath in a sink

pool time

Baby Blue

Rough, Tough, Mean Face

Cute, silly Face

What amazing pictures of Austin!! I can't wait to see him in a few weeks.
Makes me miss you! He's getting so big now!
He is sooo cute!
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