On July 21st, we found out that we are having GIRL! Her name will be Sophie Elizabeth Allison. Her due date is still set for December 19th! Our doctor said everything looks great and that she is right on track. We are scheduled to see Sophie again on September 22nd during her 3D/4D ultrasound- CAN'T WAIT!
Here's an ultrasound picture taken on July 21st.
Her daddy wouldn't let me post a picture of her revealing her gender to us. ME: "But we posted Austin's pictures?!?" Matthew: "Yes, but she's a girl. NO!"
Austin's Updates!
Our little Love Bug, aka: Buggie is incredible! He is full of energy and has the cutest personality. He definitely knows how to make us smile and laugh, especially when he is being disciplined. He began eating table foods at 9 months and loves it. He prefers feeding himself over being spoon fed. He'll eat anything with chicken. His favorite foods are: chick-fil-a chicken nuggets, cubed mango, green bean pieces, cheese crumbles, ritz crackers and chocolate chip cookies. Ok, maybe not the chocolate chip cookies, but I am sure if he could eat them he'd love them.
Austin is walking!! On July 14th he began taking up to 9 steps on his own, but insisted on holding onto our fingers as he walked around the house. As of August 17th, he began walking around our house from room to room on his own. He also likes walking beside us rather than riding in his stroller when we are out shopping or visiting with friends. Our little guy is growing up so fast.
Matthew and I are doing great! We recently painted our living room a light green color, added red curtians, red pillows and other wall decor in order to perk up our living space. Earlier this month, my parents spent a week visiting us and we got so much work done around out house. My dad cut our grass & steam cleaned our carpet, my mom and Matthew painted Sophie's room, we transformed our home office into a guest room, and we sorted through Austin's clothes while my dad and Matthew cleaned out the garage. Needless to say, it was a very productive week.
Matthew is looking very muscular and fit these days as he has completed the P90x workout program (a 90 day fitness and strength training program). I am putting on the weight that he is shedding! =) My pre-natal exercise classes will resume the second week of September and I can't wait to start working out with other pregnant mommas! I've also been volunteering once a week at pregnancy crisis center in our area and I am loving it! I recently completed all of my training criteria and have begun working with clients one-on-one. It sure is nice to continue practicing as a social worker. I feel so blessed to serve and counsel the women who come into our center.
Ok! OK! now for a cute video and fun pictures of Austin.
Austin likes climbing into our plasticware cabinet

Hanging out with Daddy's buddy, David

Relaxing while we take a walk around our neighborhood

He likes crawling underneath his exercauser

Climbing the ladder with Daddy

Helping daddy unscrew the light switch covers before painting our living room.

Staying cool in the summer sun

Playing in the water sprinkler with Grandma

Riding on Grandpa's shoulders!

Hahaha! I love the one under the exersaucer! Miss you tons. One of these days we'll chat or I'll just come for a random visit.
That is such a beautiful name! Congratulations!
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