As soon as we walked into the doctors office Austin vomited all over Matthew.

He had a high fever and diahrrea, but hadn't vomited all day. Unfortunately, the first time he did vomit daddy was holding him. We didn't have an extra change of clothes... all we could find was this hoodie in the backseat of my truck. So he wandered around the office in his diaper and hoodie. So sad. Thankfully he was able to fight off by the end of the week.
We spent that weekend (Labor Day) in Weatherford with Matthew's family and had a blast. It is always fun to watch Austin and his cousin, Megan, play with one another. We definitely wish we lived closer to them.
The following week Austin got his first haircut. He did a great job- didn't shed a tear.


Last week was a rough week for all of us. On Monday, Matthew woke up around 2am vomiting & had diahrrea. Later that morning Austin also woke up vomiting. We took Matthew to the doctor at 9am and his doctor gave him a shot that knocked him out for nearly 5 hours along with some other meds. Austin continued to throw up until his doctor finally gave in and asked us to take him in for a check up. They tested for strep and the flu... both test were negative so they figured the vomiting and fever were just due to the stomach virus he had dealt with nearly two weeks before. Matthew returned to work on Wednesday morning, but Austin was still vomiting and by then he also had diahrrea. We decided to take him back to his old pediatricans office for a second opinion. The doctor who saw him was incredibly concerned so she requested a stool specimen. THANK GOD! Early Thurday morning I woke up vomiting and had intense body-aches. My doc recommended I make a visit to the ER in order to rule out the flu & to make sure that Sophie was doing well in my belly. I got some nausea meds & IV fluids. Totally helped! They figured it was also a stomach virus. Friday morning Austin's doc called and informed us that the stool sample came back positive for ROTATVIRUS. UGGGHH! Apparently we all had it. We ended up taking Austin to the ER on Saturday because he was still vomiting and had severe diahrrea. His Doc was worried he was dehydrated so off we went to the ER. They gave him IV fluids and nausea medicine too. As Matthew put it, "4 doctors visits, 2 ER visits, 5 medications, and lots of soup for the whole family: hundreds/thousands of dollars. Everyone still alive and finally doing better: priceless. Don't mess with the Rotavirus!" We all survived this darn virus. Matthew only worked 2 days that week- he stayed home for two days while he recovered and had to take care of Austin and I on Friday since I was sick. My mom flew in Friday evening and stayed thru Monday. It was nice to have her help. She took care of Austin while Matthew and I rested and took care of things around the house.

He had no energy/strength. Poor baby.

Today we are all doing much better. Praise the Lord for a healthy family.
We were able to see Sophie on Tuesday during our scheduled 3D/4D ultrasound (will post pictures soon). She is so cute!! It was neat to notice the minor differences between Austin's 3D/4D ultrasound & hers. Their lips and noses look different... I wish December was closer. 85 more days! My belly is measuring on target, I've gained 16 lbs, passed my Gestational Diabetes test & have been exercising regularly. Wish I had only gained this much when I was pregnant with Austin. I had probably gained about 30 lbs by point in my pregnancy him. =)
We are so glad everything is looking well for Sophie and I.
I will leave you with a few recent pictures of Austin! Enjoy!!!
Austin & Daddy at Ethan's party!

Austin sitting on the bench like a big boy!! (at the end on the right side... the little guy)

Austin with the birthday boy, ETHAN!

Austin hanging out with the big boys from our neighborhood.

Out for a walk with mommy & daddy.

Sporting his new camo hoodie!

Wlking to the mailbox.

Hanging out with dad.


caught you!


Austin & his buddy Timothy!

1 comment:
I know how challenging it is for all three of you to get sick at the same time, and being pregnant also must have been difficult. Glad you are better now.
Love Austin's pictures!
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